Friday, 20 September 2019

Numbers are starting to come back sslloowwllyy...

Sorry for the lack of updates.  We have been hanging at home trying to keep Caine away from anything which may make him sick.  As of today his numbers are still extremely low so will be at home.  He is getting frustrated as he misses hanging out with his friends but no immune system means no visitors until it is back up.

Caine is also doing school work at home daily.  His teacher and school has been accommodating and by hopefully by the  end of the month he will have a private YouTube channel set up where he can participate in classes live or watch replays if he cant watch live.  This will get him reinvigorated with school as me teaching him is only so much fun...although have to say I am getting pretty good at it.

Next week is a no treatment week.  We have formally finished Phase 1 of 2 of happy about that.  We will however go in Tuesday for blood work and if his numbers come up enough we will have a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday to see if the MRD comes back negative now.  Please pray that it does.....if his counts arent where they want them we will be delayed a week to get the bone marrow biopsy and then an additional week to start Phase 2.

We are rocking the treatment and pray that he continues to do well through the remainder.

Have a great weekend.

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