Sunday, 8 September 2019

Hard week

This week as a bit harder in Caine.  He was getting sick once a day this week.  He took it good but get so worked up around taking Oral meds he will sometimes just puke.  We are working on plans to work through this and it is slowly working.  In talking to the doctor and nurses we are trying the dissolvable tablets of Zofran vs the liquid as the liquid gave him alot of anxiety and sometimes puking from it as it worked him up so much.  The dissolvable tablets work great so one less thing to worry about.

Saturday was a non puke day and so far today as well.  If he gets too warm or exerts too much it seems to make him have an upset stomach.  Next week is a light week.  He has one med, Vincristine, that he has had before and did well on and his  Erwina shots which has no effect on him.  So hopefully he will feel good and get to school for most of the week (as long as his counts dont drop).

MOM SIDE COMMENT: This became very real for me this week with him puking and having alot of discussions with him around puke.  I try my hardest to make it as light as possible but so hard when all you want to do is make it go away.  My heart just broke this week. 

Also wanted to mention my great heart friends in Saskatoon being lead by Anna Maton are throwing us a fundraiser on October 5 at the Capital in Saskatoon.  Tickets are $25 before Sept 20 and $ 30 after.  There is a magician at 8 and band at 9.  Starts at 6 stay as late as you like.  Kids are allowed until 8.  We are hoping Caine will be good enough for us to attend....

As we work through our week I will update.  Keep ths prayers coming for Caines continued treatment and health.

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