Thursday, 12 March 2020


As of March 6, 2020 Caine finished Delayed Intensification which is the end of his Frontline treatment.  Most happy to be done with the Erwina shots.  He had 72 total over the course of Frontline.  We are now just waiting for his counts to jump back up so we can start Maintenance.  Maintenance is a lighter mostly at home chemo that will go for around 2 years.  We has to go celebrate and went to Caines favorite restaurant Olive Garden so he could have his stuffed mushrooms and fettuccine and mushrooms with Alfredo. 

With his immune system and COVID-19 we are being extra cautious.  May continue to keep him home from school and will define be staying away from crowds.  Why does this stupid virus have to be out now when we are so close to getting back to a new norm. 

We will continue to celebrate being done frontline and moving forward regardless   nothing will take this away from us.

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