Wednesday, 5 February 2020

2nd half of Delayed Intensification starts!!!

Caine sailed through the first half of DI without much complication at all.  He got tired from the doxorubicin (or the red devil) as it is referred to, but otherwise he did great.  During the 1rst half of DI he had two steroid stints which were hard as after day 5 both times he had major leg and hip pain.  This is a side effect of the steroids.  It took a few days after he was completed his 7 day cycle to go away.  He was pretty brave and tough during that whole ordeal.

We started the 2nd half of DI on Monday.  We will have a busy month with being at the clinic for most of February.  However the hard stuff will be done on February 21 and then his last Erwina shots ever will be completed on March 3!!!

MARCH 3, 2020 is the conclusion of FRONTLINE treatment.  It has been a long 8 months with one to go but we can see the light and are so happy to have made it through as successfully as we have.  Dr. Haq has even commented to Caine that has been a Pediatric Oncologist for 25 years and he has never seen anyone go through the treatment like him.  Caine is a tough little man and I am so proud to say I am his Mom....

Keep praying and thinking of us through February and stay tuned for big party information to follow :)

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