Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Week 1 of 2nd phase of consolidation

Where has this week gone.  On Monday we went into hospital for bloodwork to see where is levels were.  I would have beat that he would have increased slightly from 400 that he was on Friday.  I was wrong...he was at 1100 which is awesome, but also meant we started our next phase of chemo which is the same chemo as last round and it was tough on here is hoping we make it through this phase with the same amount of pukes and no infection.

Caine is starting to loose his hair.  It is fairly thin but he refuses to shave it just wears his toque. I am on with it but he isnt happy about it.  Caine is angry about this the most..I think he would take puking over loosing his hair anyday.  We have to remind him it will grow back thicker and nicer...right now he doesnt care he just wants his hair.

Caine is also going to school half days this week while his counts are high enough.  He is enjoying being back but not liking recess too much right now as he has to keep his needle in his port for the week and doesnt like running with it so recess is pretty lame for him.  He has great friends though so he is never alone.  He also wrote his first math test today and the teacher said he did very well so so proud of him.

Bloodwork wont be done again til the end of the week and with the current chemo he is on Nelarabine, it doesnt usually effect counts.  Hoping his immune system is even higher so he can have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the fundraiser this weekend. Sending you a big hug.
