Monday, 12 August 2019

Now they tell me I am wrong

Caine had to for his 5th out of 6th Erwinia shot today.  They ran a MRD test (minimal residue disease) to.more.deeply analysis his bone marrow than the microscope here.  This test found that he still has 3.3% left in his bone marrow so not quite in remission.  The bad side of this is we feel totally blind sided as last week they gave us the all clear from.the first test.  But looking at it from a different angle he only has 3% left out of the original 64% (which was probably higher as they never did the deeper dive MRD test).  I did some research and most kids with tcell ALL will usually not go into complete remission with the induction phasebut get really close.  Going into the second phase of consolidation should get rid of the remaining 3% as there are more treatments that are leukemia specific.  We are trying to stay positive about all of this and keep taking it one day at a time. 

We start consolidation phase on Monday, August 19 and it has two parts totalling 72 days....fingers crossed by Halloween we get good news that it is completely gone.

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