Friday, 12 September 2014

one more night in the PICU

Last night in the PICU was terrible.  Brody fought against the sedation and was at times quite angry.   He actually had a full blown tantrum because they wouldn't give him milk.  He ripped his nose prongs out (which give him oxygen), he ripped the patch off his forehead which measures oxygen pressures in his head and  took out one if his IV lines.  He slept a total of 1 hour as I think he kept waking up scared.

He is quite tired today and has the odd coughing fit, which is quite painful for him.  However he has been having hour or longer naps today so hopefully since it will be quieter tonight he will have a longer rest...Wade is staying with him tonight too so I can get some rest.

If his levels remain where they are he will go up to 3 which is our first step to getting out of here.  I  definately do not want to rush him but getting upstairs gives us more privacy and quiet (and an actual bed for me and Wade)

Here is to a new day tomorrow and to Brody continuing to bounce back the way he is now.

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