We went for a check up on Thursday in Regina. We had to get an ECG and ultrasound done. It all looks good. They are all impressed about how nice and clean his scar is. It will probably be 2 months or so until we have to do another ultrasound which may be in Saskatoon in order to get all the accurate pictures required. We just thought that may be a good time to take another family over night trip then and visit Fuddruckers if that happens.
Brody is such a little trooper. In the 4 and a half months that he has been with us he has been through so much. Not only has he gone through his gas spells, and the surgury he is now fighting the pain of cutting teeth. He is so strong that sometimes I feel like I pull on his strength to make it through. I was putting him to bed tonight and just watching him sleep and thought to myself I am not sure why God gave me such a special little guy but I wouldn't give him up for anything. He is such a ray of sunshine every morning and nothing beats those little dimples to make you smile :)
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