Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Interm Maintenance DONE!!! VERY Merry Christmas

Sorry for not updating.  When things are going so well hard to remember to update.

On December 23 Caine had his last treatment in Interm Maintenance.  His leaves remain high and he has been happy and healthy.  His personality is fully back and his hair is all back ( he is even considering a trim).

Early in the new year we will start the last phase of frontline, Delayed Intensified (DI).  It will be a bit tougher but we are all looking at the bright side once we get through this we will move to maintenance and get back to some normalcy with at-home treatment and a once a month visit to the clinic.

As I said to a friend today having Caine so healthy was the best gift of all for our family.  Santa was very good to both kids this year.. new desk with a gaming keyboard and mouse.  Both are painting their rooms (pics to follow once complete).  Our families are coming over the next few days to celebrate.  Life couldn't be better.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Webers!!

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

More than 1/2 way through Interm Maintenance and doing GREAT!!

I realize I don't post if things are going guess what things are going well.  Caine is doing really good with this phase of treatment.  He has been attending school when he can and is getting through his treatments without any affects.  We will take it as the next phase (Delayed Intensification) is supposed to be a hard one, although also the last hard one :)

Caine did decide to not play hockey this year.  He stated his body just aches when he skates and he just can't do it.  We are ok with that as him doing what he is doing by going to school and going out and playing with his friends is just as good as we have heard others are not doing as well as he is and constantly in and out of the hospital.

Caine has one more rounds of shots (on Friday) and one more chemo treatment on December 23 then we are done til the New Year!!!  Keep the prayers coming as they are working and we are getting closer to getting into maintenance and a more normal cycle.

We are also getting out and having some fun.  Caine took a picture of "Brody" and showed us this....his personality is back for sure!!!