Saturday, 23 November 2019

Moving along...

So far so good with this phase of treatment.  He is going to school when he can and in great spirits.  He still has these odd adhoc puking sessions that no one can figure out but he doesnt spike a fever and feels well after so they arent worried yet.

Today he has the privilege of being the 7th man at the Pat's Canadien game today as part of Hockey Regina Hockey fights Cancer.  Him and his friend Kellyn got go on ice to watch warm ups, participated on the pregame pep talk, lead them out when they came on the ice and do the ceremonial puke drop.  So proud of them both.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Interm Maintenance begins tomorrow!!

Last week Caines counts were not where they needed to be to start his next phase of Chemo, so we had a week off.

Went today to check again and his counts are up to 1500 vs 300 (needed to be at 750 to start).  So tomorrow we start our next phase Interm Maintenance.  IM, we are told, is quite mild so we should have a good holiday season.

It has bee nice to see Caine start to come back to his normal self.  His appetite is back and he is wanting to do more.  His hair is starting to fill back in so he is getting more confident(even ok with the odd pic)

Think and pray for us as we go through Phase 3 of 4 of the frontline Chemo treatments.

Monday, 4 November 2019

2nd Phase of Consolidation COMPLETE!!!

Man I am.getting bad for updating the blog. 

Caine has completed Phase 2 of Consolidation.  He made it through with some nausea and vomiting but overall we are happy.  He never become neutrophenic this time...came close at 100 but never did zero out.  We are really happy.

Caine did participate in Halloween this year at both the clinic and with his friends.  I think he enjoyed being a "normal" kid for the day.  He said he got tired but it was worth it.

Caine also took part in his first hockey game on Saturday.  He didn't make it through the whole game but did pretty good overall.

We head back to the clinic tomorrow to see where is levels are at to see if he starts his next round of chemo called Interm Maintenance.  It is supposed to be a lighter round with most kids doing school and sports throughout.  We are looking forward to having something light and a great holiday season.

Slowly but surely we are making our way through this journey.  It has been hard on Caine as he just doesnt get why it happened to him and we have no answers.  He keeps saying he just wants to be normal.  It breaks my heart.