Brody went in for a cardio checkup which was to happen about 2 months post his heart cath. We received FABULOUS NEWS........
Brody is doing so well they don't see a forseeable surgery in his near future. With most kids with the Glenn surgery they require the Fontan surgery around this age as they are not getting the enzymes from the liver to the lungs. However since he has a pulmonary valve with stenosis still working in his heart it is pushing enough of the enzyme from his liver to his lungs that he is completely healthy without any additional surgery at this time. His oxygen levels are still at 92 and they said if they did the Fontan at this time those levels would go down so why would they.
They are still thinking a bi-ventricle repair is in his future, where they can repair his heart to make it a four chamber heart and put in a new pulmonary valve (which would have to be replaced as he grows older but with science the way it is maybe by that time he wont need open heart surgery just something laproscopic)
We are SSOOO HAPPY!!! We can just go on living until he tells us he is ready and that would be anywhere from a year to 5 years.