Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

I can't believe that Christmas is just around the corner (4 more sleeps as Caine would say).

It has been 4 1/2 months since Brody had his surgury and you would never even know he has a heart problem.  He is growing and developing great (except he doesn't like being on his tummy as we couldn't do tummy time for like 6 weeks after surgury).

We went for a check up in Saskatoon at the end of November.  Everything looks great.  His oxygen stats are 93 and everything looks great on the ultrasound.  I really did enjoy going to Saskatoon to get this done as they have people who only do ultrasounds on children so they know what they are doing and were done in like 10 - 15 minutes.  Not like in Regina where it is a generic ultrasound tech so it takes a long time to get it done (45 mins to an hour).  They are very happy with how is doing and we don't have to go back for 6 months.  The nurses and doctors in Saskatoon we amazed that his surgury was in August as to how well his scar has healed.  By the way it is healed they would have thought that his surgury was over a year ago.  That says great things about the surgeon, Dr. Ghandi, that we had in Vancouver.  So glad that fate took us to Vancouver :)

Here is a picture of Brody today and his will be amazed as we always are when we see it.....